Each audio seminar sells by itself for $15.
Gold Package Value: $75.00
For descriptions of each item, tap on the individual titles below.
it really possible to write an effective radio commercial in just five minutes??
In this audio seminar, Dan O’Day will teach you four new, invaluable techniques to make your copywriting more compelling, more powerful...
...and much easier!
If your job includes writing lots of radio commercials, probably you already know that the hardest part of writing a spot is STARTING.
Here are three more very different techniques for going from “Zero” to “Radio Commercial Script” in just 5 minutes.
If you liked Dan’s QuickStart Copywriting Techniques, you can safely go directly to the “order” button and download this audio seminar immediately.
In this seminar by Dan O’Day, you'll learn three new, invaluable techniques to make your ad copywriting more compelling, more powerful…and more fun to write.
The first technique will teach you the two most powerful words you can use in an advertisement...and how to use them for maximum persuasion. (No, it's not "you" or "money" or "health"…or anything like that.)
The second method will teach you how to use a "negative" element to build credibility for the advertiser and a stronger desire for the product or service.
With the third approach, you'll learn how to write exceptionally powerful 15-second commercials…with a technique that works every time. (You also can use it for :30s and :60s.)
Personal message from Dan O’Day....
Over the years, I've created a number of techniques that are virtually guaranteed to lead me to a 100% original advertising concept or — when I have barely enough time to write a spot at all — enable me to spend just a couple of minutes transforming "off the top of my head" radio copy into fresher, unique approaches to the words themselves.
Clutter-Buster #1: My "Sledgehammer" Technique
When I first developed this technique, I knew I had achieved a major breakthrough.
You'll use my Sledgehammer Technique when you've sped through your first draft and have as little as 2 or 3 minutes to "polish" it, to transform otherwise ho-hum copywriting into something shiny, colorful, and certain to grab the attention of the audience you need to reach.
With this technique alone, you can ensure that every piece of copy you turn in has its own special quality...a vibrancy that crackles alongside the typically flat, uninspired spots that listeners automatically ignore.
Clutter-Buster #2: The 3-Word Setup
Have you ever been absolutely stuck for an idea? You've got to write a commercial for a category you've written hundreds of spots for...and they've all become one big blur?
With that deadline looming, you're tempted to give up and write one of those cookie-cutter radio ads just so you can get it on the air.
Don't give up! I'm going to teach you a 3-word "setup" that is guaranteed to lead you to a different, strikingly original commercial script.
If you're a radio copywiter, this is your cure for "writer's block."
Clutter-Buster #3: The Hollywood Rescue
My "Hollywood Rescue" technique is great for when you find yourself in a slump or in a rut.
You want to create a radio campaign that's better than "acceptable."
All you need is a new approach. A way to attack that copywriting challenge from a different angle.
That's when you turn to my "Hollywood Rescue" technique.
It's easy.
It's enjoyable.
And it leads you to a unique radio advertising campaign that grabs the attention of your listeners and delights your advertiser.
Personal note from Dan O’Day....
When I told these workshop attendees that they each were going to write a real commercial for one of their own clients in just five minutes, you can be sure that some were skeptical.
When I added that after the first one, they’d be writing four more in just five minutes each....
Well, let’s just say not everyone simply took my word for it.
But then I led them through a unique system that actually forced them to write quickly and with great originality.
The Results Were Phenomenal!
In this exclusive audio seminar, I'll walk you through my system step-by-step; it’s not at all difficult.
You’ll hear me explain the method and demonstrate it myself, as I perform three commercials I wrote via this method in a total of 15 minutes.
You’ll hear my instructions and coaching to the attendees as they do it themselves...and then you’ll hear some of their “five-minute” radio commercials.
And you’ll be blown away by the quality & uniqueness of the work they produced.
Immediate delivery! When you submit your order, you’ll be able to download the entire Quickstart Copywriting Gold package immediately.