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$197.00 (You save $202.00)

Product Description

This Product Is a 7-Hour mp3 Audio Seminar,
which you can download immediately upon purchasing.

The ultimate, comprehensive guide to creating the kind of radio advertising that produces results for the advertiser... and re-orders for the radio station and/or ad agency. 

Radio advertising guru Dan O'Day has produced an astonishingly detailed, 7-hour audio seminar — the equivalent of six CDs, painstakingly indexed to maximize your ease in accessing the information you need.

Tap the "Play " button for a video introduction from Day O’Day

  • The producer's most valuable tool
  • The true definition of "Radio Advertising"
  • The one thing your commercial must do
  • The "branding" mistake
  • The folly of selling the product or service
  • The three goals that every commercial must accomplish
  • Advertiser-Focused vs. Consumer-Focused
  • Identifying your Unique Selling Proposition
  • Importance of Differentiation
  • Advertising = Problem-Solving
  • Radio as a Visual Medium
  • "Test Drive" Commercials
  • Painting Pictures vs. Selling Facts & Features
  • Key difference between Radio and Newspaper Advertising
  • Radio Advertising as a Linear Experience
  • The WHAM Principle
  • Advertising = Educating
  • Intersecting Common Human Behavior & Experience
  • Giving people an Excuse to Buy (two key methods)
  • How to get people to act on your sales message immediately
  • Selling with Emotions
  • Fourteen Key Questions to ask before you begin writing
  • The motivating power of Active Language
  • Avoiding Commercial Babble
  • Speaking Your Audience's Language
  • Core Message: The life or death of your campaign!
  • Call to Action
  • Anticipating (and overcoming) Objections
  • Selling by Telling the Truth
  • Selling via Story Telling
  • What every "story" commercial must do (but most do not)
  • Showing vs. Telling
  • Soft Sell vs. No Sell
  • Comedy Commercials (and why most of them fail)
  • How to use an "announcer" within a comedy spot
  • How to use "characters" to sell
  • Audio Image Generators
  • Using A Child's Voice (most commercials hurt themselves by using children!)
  • Effective use of Music
  • The one thing you should never do when using music in a spot
  • Music in Commercials: What is Legal? What is Illegal? (Dan corrects eight common misconceptions that could cost you a fortune in legal judgments!)
  • Your Headline
  • Using Questions to Command Attention
  • The "Perfect" Length of a Radio Commercial
  • Should you mention the advertiser's website?
  • How to advertise websites
  • Client-Voiced Commercials
  • Phone Numbers in commercials
  • Addresses in commercials
  • An Underused Advertising Weapon: Straight Talk Commercials
  • Identifying Your Target Audience
  • Seven Deadly Sins of Radio Advertising

Dan O’Day is widely recognized as Radio's "Advertising Guru," having taught radio stations, ad agencies, and businesses in 37 different countries how to create money-making advertising. He's the person the Radio Advertising Bureau turned to to create the industry's first certification course for copywriters (the CPCC).

And with this "ultimate audio seminar" - illustrated with nearly 200 actual commercials - you can have him "on call" 24 hours a day to help you and your staff create the kind of commercial that is a profit center for the advertiser, not an expense!

Immediate delivery! When you submit your order, you’ll be able to download this valuable audio seminar immediately. 

Other Details

Product Type:
7-Hour audio seminar on mp3s

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Product Reviews

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    Posted by Rick Davison, General Manager WVFJ-FM/Atlanta

    {live seminar attendee}
    “Effective advertising is more than just frequency; it’s about aiming accurately and hitting the target creatively. The Dan O’Day principles brought back from your seminar took a new financial category client from $36k to $84k! Thanks, Dan!”

    Rick Davison, General Manager

  2. powerful and comprehensive

    Posted by Adam Schwartz

    I've finished listening to and completing the workbook for 'Maximum Impact.' It was even more powerful and comprehensive than I imagined. I'm using your principles to produce a series of spots for my radio station's fund drive.

  3. fascinating, compelling, and incredibly thorough

    Posted by Joseph Sugarman

    I never thought I'd complain that a plane ride was too short. But that's exactly what happened on a recent 4-hour flight from Los Angeles to Chicago: I wanted the plane to circle O'Hare Airport for a couple of more hours! Why? I was listening to my personal copy of Dan O'Day's HOW TO CREATE MAXIMUM IMPACT RADIO ADVERTISING. Somehow Dan managed to distill his 30 years of experience into seven extraordinary hours. The result is a fascinating, compelling, and incredibly thorough education not just in 'radio' advertising but in advertising in general. Dan really knows his stuff, and the way he illustrates his principles with audio examples of real commercials is both fun and educational. If you ever advertise on radio-- frankly, if you ever advertise anywhere -- order HOW TO CREATE MAXIMUM IMPACT RADIO ADVERTISING. And then book yourself on a seven hour airline flight.

  4. Thorough, Useful, Compelling

    Posted by Robert Hughes, KPRI San Diego

    Year after year, Dan O'Day passionately advocates for the power of radio. In this course, he takes us from the basics to the master class - revealing and explaining how to make radio live up to its promise as the most compelling ad medium ever invented. Feel like you're "not at all creative?" Dan's systematic approach will enable you to find and mold the ingredients of successful radio ads. Master this - and you'll definitely enhance your client value. I strongly recommend Dan O'Day's HOW TO CREATE MAXIMUM IMPACT RADIO ADVERTISING.

  5. I'm writing better copy now. That's it.

    Posted by Joffrey Long

    O'Day teaches copywriters to do what Robert Collier taught: It's all about getting into the conversation that's already going on in the prospect's head.

    Instead of just screaming at prospects, this breaks down the way to accomplish persuastion, step by step. Plus - it's fun listening too.

    Another point - he really helps you weave in the all important STORY, something that's a challenge for many (me, especially).


    Posted by Ryan Ghidoni, CHUM Radio Winnipeg

    I was a producer and I loved my job. I got to play with sound all day and they gave me a paycheck every two weeks. I didn't think it could get any better. Then I found this seminar. Actually I went to see Dan present it live in Toronto and Jim Waters purchased it for all CHUM stations as a follow up. It was a true "Jimmy" moment. In the middle of Dan's description of the 6 CD package, Jim said "I want a copy for every station that is here and you can send the bill to me". What a guy! Dan taught me how radio really worked. He made me truly understand my craft. This seminar made me a better producer and, when I was promoted to lead the creative department, it served as the basis of our vision. I still listen to it every 8 months. Every time it gets me excited about what we can really do with radio.

  7. Dan O'Day Always Impresses

    Posted by Ted Hyland

    Dan always delivers, when it comes to creative. He has a keen sense of what is the correct thing for copy. This library is just one more example of Dan being able to deliver what is needed to help make a difference for clients and the station.

  8. How to do radio advertising the right way!

    Posted by Joe Ram, Sun Telemedia LLC

    "How To Create Maximum Impact Radio Advertising" is an excellent program that should be a prerequisite for all radio salespeople...all media salespeople for that matter. The techniques that Dan teaches in this comprehensive program are not fluff or theory, they are the essentials necessary to make a radio (or television) commercial actually work! And he provides plenty of specific examples showing you how it's done.

    For longer than I care to remember I have detested the usual radio sales management focus on closing techniques and silly comebacks we were taught in a attempt to "trick" clients into buying. Stop stealing your clients' money and show them how to make their advertising generate a measureable return-on-investment! Not to mention a bigger commission check every month for you too. I only wish this was available thirty years ago when I started selling radio commercials!

  9. A Strong Foundation

    Posted by Mark Bystrom

    If writing advertising copy is part of your job description and you want the single best, most comprehensive course on how to do it more effectively, the search is over: order audio seminar right away!

    "How to Create Maximum Impact Radio Advertising" is an incredible resource. If you're new to this craft, Dan will help you get started on the right track. If (like me) you've been working in the industry for awhile, Dan will make delicious hamburger out of your advertising "sacred cows" in a completely winsome and compelling presentation.

    I'm simply not aware of anyone else who brings together so much valuable information on this subject with such a consistently high level of expertise. Order this set, listen and be inspired to create advertising that works!

  10. WOW! Awesome stuff.

    Posted by Mike Broderick

    Just finished The World of High Impact Radio Advertising Seminar. WOW! Awesome stuff. Thanks for making things more understandable and giving me new techniques to help my clients!

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