This Product Is a 95-Minute mp3 Audio Seminar,
which you can download immediately upon purchasing.
A message from Dan O'Day....
The most common request I get from salespeople and creative directors who attend my radio sales and copywriting seminars is:
"Can you teach us how to teach our clients
the stuff you've taught us??"
I get that question everywhere I go.
I've been asked that question so many times, in so many parts of the world, by so many different radio advertising professionals — and in such sincere, desperate tones — that finally I decided to devote an entire seminar to the subject.
Is This Audio Seminar For You?
EDUCATING YOUR RADIO ADVERTISING CLIENT is for anyone who ever has to deal with a radio advertiser.
You might be an account executive, copywriter, production director, creative services director, producer....It doesn't matter.
If you deal with clients, I'll teach you how to educate them.
Not just what to teach them, but also how to teach them.
I'll teach you how to establish your expertise from the very beginning — so strongly that your clients actually will listen to you and follow your advice & counsel.
It's Like Having Me At Your Side During The Sales Call.
I'll share with you numerous examples of actual dialogue that you can use verbatim or adapt to your own style — with your own clients.
It's as though I'm right there with you, whispering the perfect words for you to use to "get through" to your client.
Here's Some Of What You'll Learn.
- Why & how to establish your expertise "in-house" first
- A nifty marketing tool that should be the "calling card" of all radio advertising account executives
- How to take control from the beginning
- How to set ground rules
- The two-step formula for firmly presenting yourself as "the expert" without sounding like a jerk
- The terminology to adopt with your clients
- How to go 'way beyond "the consultative sale" — for faster, more meaningful results
- The first piece of information to uncover when you meet with a client or prospect
- What to advertise instead of "features" or "benefits"
- The "Three Magic Words" — I've taught these to advertising professionals worldwide, and they truly are remarkable in short-circuiting any resistance the client might have to accepting the benefits of your expertise.
- Specific radio advertising fundamentals you must teach your clients — and how to teach them
- How to reposition print competition
- Client Identity Creation
- How your approach will differentiate your station from all of your competitors
- How to avoid needless rewrites and rerecordings
- How to teach your client the importance of a single Call To Action
- How to teach your client when and how to use phone numbers
- How to teach your client when and how to use "vanity" phone numbers
- How to teach your client not to use street addresses
- How to teach your clients when and how to promote their websites
- How to ensure the client never complains "the commercial is getting old" (when you know it should continue to air)
- How to teach your client the value of tactical use of a deadline in a commercial
- How to teach your client to think of the campaign as something far more important than just "entertainment"
- How to teach your client how comedy should (and should not) be used in their commercials
- How to deal with clients who insist on writing their own commercials — even though they're terrible at it!
- "I don't like your music!" — How to pre-empt that objection so that it's never a problem for you!
- How to establish "the success criteria" for a new campaign (and avoid time-wasting nitpicking by the client)
- Why you never should e-mail a commercial script to a client for approval (and how to avoid ever doing so)
- How to get the client to commit to a single Core Message
- How to reject illegal requests
- How to respond to "radio coupon" requests (You know — the client wants to say, "Mention this ad and we'll throw in a free dog collar with every poodle you purchase!")
- How to vanish the "radio doesn't work" objection
- How to eradicate the "word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising" objection
- How to reposition "I don't like the music in the commercial" as a positive for the client
Your Life Is About To Become So Much Easier.
To make it much, much easier for you to help your clients make money with their radio advertising.
If you agree that "life is too short" to fritter away in silly, endless arguments with clients who would profit so much more if only they'd listen to you....
Then download your copy of EDUCATING YOUR RADIO ADVERTISING CLIENT right now. Your clients (and your bank account) will thank you.
Dan O'Day is radio's commercial copywriting and client retention guru. He has taught radio stations, ad agencies and business owners in 37 countries how to create radio advertising that works — that is a profit, not an expense, for the advertiser.
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