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Personal message from Dan O’Day:

This is the book that anyone and everyone who has anything to do with radio promotions should be required to read.

It's Just Not Fair.

Most Promotion Directors begin their jobs with absolutely no real training or professional-level education in Promotions.

Somehow they're supposed to magically "pick it up" as they go along.

Do you know why Promotion Directors almost never receive the kind of vital education that all successful professionals require?

Because usually the person who hired (or promoted) them hasn't learned the absolutely essential fundamentals of Promotions, either.

TACTICAL RADIO PROMOTIONS was written by a guy with unique qualifications:

  • Creating consumer promotions for a long list of major non-broadcast companies. 
  • Serving as one of the seminal, ground-breaking Promotion Directors for one of America's legendary, most promotions-oriented radio stations.

More about him in a moment.

Who Should Read This Book?

  • Promotion Directors (Yeah, I guess that's kind of obvious.)

  • Marketing Directors

  • Program Directors

  • Station Managers

  • Sales Managers

  • Anyone who works with or for the Promotion Department

If your radio station has a Promotions Department, then you need to have this book available to your staff members at all times.

It will help keep you focused on creating promotions that don't just "sound like good ideas" but also are built upon a firm understanding of the fundamentals of successful radio promotions.

It will help you avoid costly mistakes & missteps.

It will increase the success rate for your station and your clients.

Owners & Managers: Have you ever hired a new Promotions Director or Promotions staff member? If so, the first thing you should have had them do is read this book.

Because there's no fluff and no filler – just 70 pages devoted to the fundamentals of successful radio promotions — the information can be read and digested in just a couple of hours.

Who Is Dan Garfinkel?

Dan Garfinkel has more than 30 years' "in the trenches" experience in marketing and promotion.

For six years he was Promotion Director for WMMS/Cleveland – regarded throughout the industry as a pace-setting rock station and a classic example of broadcast promotion development.

In addition to having provided promotion consulting services to broadcast stations around the world, Dan has helped design consumer promotions for a long list of non-broadcast companies including Ameritech, Bell Atlantic, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, National City Bank, and Michigan Bell Telephone.

I've learned a lot from Dan.

Speaking as a former Promotion Director and as someone who has a reputation for knowing a bit about Radio, I have quoted and religiously followed Dan's "Most Important Thing" (Page 38). In my opinion, that chapter is worth far more than the entire cost of the book.

(In case you're wondering: Dan's "Most Important Thing" isn't some sort of inspirational advice. It's the single most important principle that determines whether a promotion succeeds or fails.)

Fundamental, Not Elementary

I know that some Promotion Directors won't get this book, because they think they already know everything.

Or because they know they don't know everything but are embarrassed to admit it.

Tactical Radio Promotions explains the fundamentals of radio promotions. The necessary building blocks.

Written by an exceptionally accomplished professional for other professionals.

Here is what this book is NOT.

This is not a book of radio promotion ideas.

It's not a "swipe file" of promotions that others have done.

Although Dan does discuss a number of different promotions to illustrate the key principles in the book, do not order this book if all you want is a bunch of promotion ideas. That is not what TACTICAL RADIO PROMOTIONS was created for.

Here's An Overview of the Book's Contents.

  • Building A Marketing Plan

  • Your Marketing Tool Kit

  • Tactic Selection and Implementation

  • How To Work With Your Sales Department

  • What your Marketing Plan is supposed to accomplish

  • The four elements of your Marketing Plan

  • The four information components you must have before you can begin developing your Marketing Plan

  • The seven tools that should be in your Marketing Tool Kit

  • Research as a marketing tool

  • Product development

  • Research as a product development tool

  • AAU studies

  • Focus Groups: What They Can Do, What They Can't Do

  • The Two Kinds of Advertising (and how they apply to promoting your station)

  • Advertising that increases station cume

  • The Seven Types of Sales Promotions

  • The single most important thing to know about Promotions. (It really is vital. But too many radio promotion people, salespeople, and clients have not learned this!)

  • Building a larger audience vs. increasing Time Spent Listening

  • General Managers and Promotions – The one thing all GMs should stop doing immediately to improve their stations' promotions!

  • The Three Success Factors of Direct Mail Campaigns

  • Telemarketing

  • The Product Placement "Rule of Three"

  • Buying Television Advertising

  • The Five Most Common Radio Marketing Errors

  • How Programming, Promotions and Sales can and should work together: Rules and Procedures

  • How to keep the "buy" without ruining the station

  • Assigning value to "bonus" promos

  • Planning For Success: Why not being prepared for a successful promotion can be a recipe for disaster (complete with a scary, real-life example from a legendary radio station)

TACTICAL RADIO PROMOTIONS is a 70-page e-book (PDF format), available for immediate download.

If you already understand that "radio promotions" requires more than just asking people, "Heard any good promotion ideas lately?" you'll want to order your copy right now.

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