This Product Is a 1-hour, 30-Minute mp3 Audio Seminar,
which you can download immediately upon purchasing.
Do you think the guy who managed the careers of Kenny Rogers, The Bee Gees, Olivia Newton–John, Travis Tritt, Trisha Yearwood and Lionel Richie...
...who created the "We Are The World" and "Hands Across America" projects (the latter for which he received the United Nations Peace Medal)...
...who is one of Hollywood's most accomplished and respected managers and marketers...
...might be able to help you achieve more in your own career and for your own radio station?
Ken Kragen will teach you his own 10–Point Strategy that has worked for himself and for his clients.
You will learn:
• The 3 Event Strategy (This one tip is worth the price of this entire audio package!)
• How to harness the "The Magic of Threes"
• How to create your Personal Balance Sheet
• How to play (and win at) Life as a Contact Sport
• How to turn Negatives into Opportunities
• How to get caught Telling The Truth
• How to master the Art of Timing
• How to succeed via Backward Thinking
• The best, most reliable career "gimmick" of them all
"Wow! Worth coming all this way for this session alone! Ken explained why sometimes things haven't worked out for me and WHY the things that worked well did. His '3 Event Strategy' is a technique I will use as soon as I get home."
"Great lessons from a man who's been there! I'll put his '3 Event Strategy' into effect immediately."
"Very worthwhile, great advice. Planning to implement all this info into my work AND into my life."
"After being exposed to his '3 Event Strategy,' I wound up revising our direct mail plans for the year to deliver a more concentrated blow in a shorter period of time."
"All the skills he taught are useful for both everyday life and career."
"Really good ways/ideas/systems to promote the station and also to achieve personal goals."
"Ken knows how to market and has the experience and track record to prove his strategies work."
"New perspective on making career moves."
"I liked his use of real life examples to help put the theory into real terms for us."
Ken Kragen has been called "arguably the most successful behind-the-scenes operator in show
business. A personal manager, talent adviser, deal maker and world-class fund-raiser, he has
literally transformed the lives he has touched and changed the world he lives in. His Hollywood
success stories include having managed the careers of Kenny Rogers, The Bee Gees, Olivia
Newton-John, Travis Tritt, Trisha Yearwood and Lionel Richie; having created the "We Are The
World" and "Hands Across America" projects (the latter for which he received the United Nations
Peace Medal); having received two MTV Awards, an American Music Award, and several Emmy
nominations. A graduate of Harvard Business School, Kragen also has an enviable record of success providing consulting services to companies including Cisco Systems, New York Life Insurance, IBM, Polaroid, and numerous radio stations.
Immediate delivery! When you submit your order, you’ll be able to download this valuable audio seminar immediately.