This Product Is a 75-Minute mp3 Audio Seminar,
which you can download immediately upon purchasing.
Personal recommendation from Dan O’Day:
If you are expecting a "self-help" or "personal improvement" seminar, do not download this audio seminar.
This is a real-world "business" seminar for managers who want to become great leaders in the workplace.
It's great stuff. In fact, just one of Tim's tips has changed the way I interact with people…forever.
Click the “Play” button below to hear an audio sample right now.
“Absolutely incredible! Most amazing session I’ve ever been to.”
“Best session I’ve ever seen or heard. I was hooked from beginning to end.”
“This session will affect my work when I get home. Plus it will affect me outside the office as well. I learned how to read people, how to set the emotional tone at work, and a lot of useful techniques that will help me keep people motivated and focused on accomplishing their jobs.”
“Fantastic! Such important lessons for managers. Often, people who are skilled programmers have limited people skills. Thank you for going outside the traditional radio information to deal with issues of treating your people as more than just part of the product.”
“Valuable info for radio which could apply in many others situations and businesses. AWESOME presentation!”
Tim Sanders, best-selling author of THE LIKEABILITY
FACTOR and former Yahoo! Leadership Coach, has the
unique ability to transform interpersonal and social
skills into success in the workplace. Yes, even in Radio.
Immediate delivery! When you submit your order, you’ll be able to download this valuable audio seminar immediately.