When you talk about "radio warfare," only one company in the world comes to mind: Clear Channel. Michael Albl holds the title of Clear Channel's "Vice President of Mental Warfare."
And that title isn't a joke; both he and Clear Channel look at radio as a constant battle against anyone who wants a single one of their listeners or a single dollar of their advertising revenue.
Michael (who in real life is a very nice guy) specializes in Mental Warfare - destroying the competition as quickly & efficiently as possible. Michael will let you in on the secrets of winning your programming & marketing battles in radio's new world order.
He'll walk you through the action steps you must take to survive in a landscape that is shifting against you every day.
He'll inculcate you with Victory Essentials. And he'll make you intimately familiar with and ready to fight the five wars you must fight simultaneously.
Welcome to the 21st Century Radio Wars! (Odds are your competition attended this session "live." Can you really afford not to learn what they already know?)
Verbatim Reviews
"When I become blinded by day-to-day warfare, I don't always see the obvious. But Michael's presentation brought the passion back! The most valuable thing I learned is an organization of the total warfare plan. I never heard it presented in such a clear, basic way."
"Great description of what warfare is and how to win. He pulled the pin...the bomb went off...My competition will feel the shrapnel!"
"For Michael being a Clear Channel guru, it was a pleasant surprise for him to 'give up the store' of knowledge on radio warfare.
When you listen to this seminar, you will learn:
- How to fight (and win) radio wars with less time, less money, and fewer people than the competition.
- The Five Wars you must fight simultaneously
- The War with Wall Street
- The War over Consumer Time
- The Ratings War
- The Revenue War
- Your War for Personal Survival
- Your true competition (which is not necessarily the other stations in your market)
- Cutting edge strategies & tactics
- What you must know in order not to be killed!
- Alternatives to short-term thinking and quick fixes
- What to do when your plan isn't working (No, it's not necessarily to get a new plan.)
- Mastering "The Basics" Knowledge
- Skill Sets
- Deliverables
- How to achieve true individual power in your workplace and in your career
- How to leverage your own intellectual capital
- Creating your Total Plan
- Organizing all your available resources
- Ratings-boosting tactics you can teach your salespeople
- Secrets of:
- Offense
- Defense (including what to do as soon as you're attacked)
- Flanking
- Guerilla warfare
- How to expand the impact of limited resources
- How to know when to fight...and when not to fight
- How to win and maintain the total support of your troops
- The most potent tool you can give your staff members
- Why it's vital to avoid "trench warfare" at all costs
- Quick Victories vs. Long-Term Growth - which to choose, and when
- Identifying your Core Competent Positions
- Defining your Target Market in-depth
- How to outsmart your enemy
- Battlefield Weaponry
- Your Monthly Action Plan
- Negotiating Alliances (inside and outside your station)
- Immediate Action Step #1: Your Distribution System
- Immediate Action Step #2: Diary Keeper Usage Patterns - How to manipulate ratings reporting
- Immediate Action Step #3: Knowing Your Station's DNA (Distinct Natural Attributes) - How to narrowly target only those listeners who can help your ratings (not necessarily your "P1s")
- Cume Lifestyles
- True Core Lifestyles
- Diary-Keeper Lifestyles
- Avoiding the Feature/Function Trap
- Building emotional ties to listeners
- Immediate Action Step #4: Advertiser Perceptuals
- Immediate Action Step #5: Music Upgrades- Linear vs. Dimensional Listener Tests (why your music testing probably is weaker than it could & should be)
- Immediate Action Step #6: Marketing On The Cheap
- Immediate Action Step #7: Matching your product to your user
- Immediate Action Step #8: Rabid Marketing Dogs
- Immediate Action Step #9: Tracking Your Growth
- Ratings Diary Keepers: The three key factors you need to influence them
- Forming Strategic Marketing Alliances
- The one thing your station can provide that no one can beat in your marketplace