If you didn’t attend the 2010 International Radio Creative & Production Summit, you missed…
John Frost (Radio Station Imaging)
Richard Horvitz (“Learning How To Play” — both for voice actors and for writers)
Dan O’Day (2 brand-new Quickstart Copywriting Techniques + Live Commercial Critiques)
Nancy Wolfson (“Admit vs. Sell” voice over workshop + Live Voice Over Demo Critiques)
But it’s not too late…
For a limited time, you can get the entire event on 10 CDs. Digitally recorded, edited and mastered so that you get all the info without any “dead time.”
"Dan gave me a lot of tips to make copy better. This really woke me up."
"Most valuable thing I learned: There's almost always one more edit or rewrite to make. This will completely revamp my thought process for :10s upon my return."
"I've always believed 10-second ads are viable if executed correctly, and here now are the tools to make it so."
"I know I'll take the 'overcoming uniqueness' and use it for sure. Also, I've never had to write 10 seconds before, but now I'm prepared for whatever is thrown at me!"
"I enjoyed most the ten second copywriting exercise. There has been such a mystery to me as to how to distill the copy to that degree. After this exercise I feel confident that I am able to better determine 'the boiling point!'"
"I love the idea of taking the 'boiling point' of a standard commercial and making it into a :10."
"The feedback Dan gave to the copy people wrote was amazing and practical."
"A great way to find that slice of life and make your story relatable to the listener. The ten second method is great practice to find the core message. We can always build from there."
Writer's Block? Performance Anxiety? Just go back to Richard's Five Steps.
You will learn:
• How to enter a Secondary Reality
• The value of knowing who you are (and how to return to it on demand)
• Your imagination as a muscle (how & why it needs to be exercised)
• Why & how you need to know who you are when you walk into the room
• Tearing down the wall of separation between your character and you
• The folly of "doing it right"
• The mistake of showing your hand too fully and too quickly
• Discomfort as your ally
Richard Horvitz
"Absolutely fantastic. Inspiring. Informative and entertaining. Possibly the greatest session I've heard at any Summit."
"This was the most valuable session I have ever attended at the Summit! Great insights. Fabulous direction. Simple, clear steps to implement."
"This session was great! This will help me better coach the VO people I work with."
"I have struggled for years with the 'announcer voice' (I've had trouble doing characters or conversations). I'm excited to try some of the tools I've learned today."
"Learning how to unlock the freedom to play instead of focusing on work was so refreshing. The 5 steps to breaking down telling your story were easy to understand & implement."
"This was wonderful! It was great to have a VO session that so benefited writers as well."
"Extremely valuable! Made me completely re-think how to approach copy. Fantastic!"
"I feel sorry for production people who didn't sign up for this Summit!"
World Premiere! Here's John's own description of this session….
"I've devoted my career to challenging the conventions of how Radio does stuff...or, at least, how radio sounds while doing stuff. I have become adept at positioning and repositioning and re-repositioning stations, morning shows and promotions. I think weird.
"I love the creative radio work I hear from others 'out there'...I love everyone who endeavors to help keep radio fun. Radio should be fun. Fun to work in, fun to create, and fun to listen to.
"Radio is both an art and a science... and I believe needs both to continue thriving.
"My ten years working on Frostbytes has had ups and downs; super successful cycles and some, uh...less successful. But hey, that's life. The good news is, my stuff these days on Frostbytes is the best I've ever done. I say that because A) it's true, and B) I get to write my own Session Description.
"Speaking of which: The session title says it all. For 80 minutes you will be sucked into the vortex of my daily radio creative process. I'll do my best to show you exactly what I do, how I do it, and why."
John Frost
"I expected to just 'hang out' for the Imaging session; I've not imaged any stations in years. But John's methods could SO be used for copywriting as well. Great humor and edginess in his writing/production."
"What a revelation that someone is successful putting RADIO back on radio!"
"I expected to be entertained. I didn't expect to be inspired. John has given me new ideas for my own work that were completely surprising."
"Great knowledge. I'll be less afraid of staying outside of the box!"
"This was one of the most exciting and creative sessions I've ever attended. He has raised the bar for me in my approach to writing attention grabbing radio spots."
Dan O’Day and Nancy Wolfson gave honest feedback on attendees’ radio commercials, promos or voice over demos. The kind of honest (sometimes brutal) feedback you just can't get anywhere else.
Dan O'Day Critiquing Station Promo
"Very constructive and helpful. I'm learning how to better critique my own work and the work of those who work with me. Nancy is amazingly thorough!"
"Awesome session! Really gave an understanding of what makes a good demo/promo/ad."
"Nancy's notes on what makes a good demo were VERY valuable. With her tips, I was able to pinpoint the problems in my demo…and fix them within a week."
"As a copywriter, it was great to hear Dan's critique."
"The real-world radio examples and critiques are especially useful."
Nancy Wolfson returned for her third consecutive Summit Super Session with a brand new workshop. On stage, you don't want to get caught "acting." In advertising, you don't want to get caught "selling." If the consumer can sense that you're there for the money, the authenticity of your endorsement is shot.
You Will Learn…
• Why and how you must bury your agenda
• How to put your "truth" on the table
• Why "admissions" can be more effective than exultations
• How to engender trust from the listener
• How to use your body to get rid of that "announcer" sound
• How to relax and let the adjectives do the work for you
• How a touch of cynicism boosts consumer trust
• Secret Subtext Passwords
• The one word most people stress that almost never should be
leaned on
Nancy Wolfson
When we sell out our supply of the Summit 2010 Complete Audio Package, we won't be making any more copies. So when they're gone…they're gone.
SUMMIT 2010 attendees paid anywhere from $595 to $895 to attend. Add to that their travel and hotel expenses, and it cost them an average total of $2,000. (And they were happy to pay it, to experience it all in person.)
But now you can experience every moment and every piece of information for 1/10 of their costs.
Order your Complete Audio Record of SUMMIT 2010 now, and soon you’ll be listening to, viewing and learning from the best of the best.
Order the International Radio Creative & Production Summit 2010: The Complete Audio & Video Package (WITH VIDEOS) by clicking on this link.
Order International Radio Creative & Production Summit 2010: The Complete Audio Package (NO VIDEOS) by clicking on the "Add This Item To Shopping Cart" button below.
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