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Product Description


If you’ve always wanted to be a jingle singer....

Or if you’ve suddenly gotten the urge....

But you don’t know how or where to start....

This is exactly what you’re looking for.

Who Are You?

You are a very good singer. 

You are a versatile singer. 

You may already be singing professionally; maybe not. 

You thrive on challenge. 

You’re self-motivated. (We’ll tell you how to become a jingle singer. But no book — or person — in the world can do it for you. If you want to be a jingle singer, you need to take responsibility for your own destiny.)

Who Is Ken R.?

Ken R. is a legend among jingle producers and aficionados everywhere. (He’d never refer to himself that way, but it’s true.) 

For 13 years he ran his own very successful and busy jingle production company, producing thousands of jingles for clients in every state in the U.S. as well as for clients around the world. 

In that capacity, he personally hired hundreds of jingle singers. 

He speaks from experience. From “the other side of the glass” — the side that casts the recording sessions.

If You Want to Break Into The Business, Good News

You don’t need to have “connections” to become a successful jingle singer. 

You don’t have to live in a big city. (In fact, often there’s less competition for jobs in smaller markets.) 

You need just two things: 

•  The ability to sing very, very well. 

•  The knowledge of how to get started. 

How To Become A Jingle Singer won’t make you a better singer. If you can’t carry a tune, sorry — we can’t help you. 

But How To Become A Jingle Singer will tell you exactly how to launch your own career as a jingle singer. 

Imagine — being paid to sing!  

Yes, sometimes you’ll work with famous celebrities, sometimes for huge companies and high-profile projects.  

You’ll also work with incredibly talented professionals who aren’t known to the general public at all but who make very good livings doing what they love — singing!

What Will You Learn From This Book?

  • Your two requirements for success as a jingle singer
  • How to turn yourself into a marketable commodity
  • Your demo: What to include, how to structure the contents 
  • Your demo cover
  • Additional necessary marketing 
  • Identifying your market 
  • Compiling your list of prospects (including exactly where to find them) 
  • Organizing your contact information 
  • Why “rejection is your friend” 
  • How to contact prospects 
  • Selling yourself on the phone 
  • How often to “follow up” after you’ve made contact 
  • How, where and why you should “network” 
  • Marketing do’s & don’ts for jingle singers 
  • What to do when the studio calls you! 
  • Working with producers 
  • What to do to make sure you get paid. (Remember, your dream is to be a professional jingle singer.)  
  • How to avoid paying for other people’s mistakes 
  • Should you get paid for coming back for a “redo”? 
  • How to handle requests to sing “freebies” 
  • Do you have to be able to sight-read music? (Short answer: It depends on the type of singing you specialize in.) 
  • Do you have to quit your “day job” to sing in a studio?
  • Should you get paid for an “audition”? (That’s a very “inside” question, because in the jingle business “audition” has more than one meaning.) 
  • Should you offer your own suggestions in a recording session? 
  • Do you need an agent?

If You Could Spend Just One Hour With An Expert....

If you could get someone like Ken R. to spend, let’s say, an hour with you.... 

....Sharing every successful technique he’s seen employed by novice (and even veteran) jingle singers to gain employment.... 

....Coaching you on how to put together your demo, where to find potential employers, how to contact them, how to attain the career you’ve dreamed of..... 

What would that be worth to you? 

A thousand dollars for an hour with an expert who could provide you with the inside information you need to launch your career? 

Sound expensive? 

Okay, how about $500? Five hundred dollars for an hour of “from the horse’s mouth” advice & counsel from one of the jingle business’s Big Guys? 

Frankly, $500 would be a “grab it before he changes his mind!” bargain. If, of course, you have the talent and determination to make it as a jingle singer. 

But we know $500 is a lot to charge for a book. Even for a book that can help you realize your dreams. 

What do you think would be a great price for this book? A price that is so outrageously low that you’d have to be crazy not to jump at it (assuming you do want to be a jingle singer)? 

How about.... 


That’s it. Just $27. (Although if after you make it big you decide to send us a big cash tip from your earnings, we’ll be glad to accept....)

Do Not Order This Book If...

Don’t order this book if you’re looking for a theoretical college textbook.   

How To Become A Jingle Singer isn’t a history of the jingle biz. 

It’s not a “coffee table” book. 

The entire e-book contains just 30 pages.  

If you judge a book by the number of its pages rather than by the value of its information, do not order How To Become A Jingle Singer

Also: Don’t order it if you can’t sing!

Do Order This Book If...

You want to learn what very few people can teach you: How to become a jingle singer.

Immediate delivery! When you submit your order, you’ll be able to download this valuable book immediately. 

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