Did you ever wish you had a jingle to play at the end of a dumb listener phone call? ("Thank you for your uninformed opinion!") Or a classy way to announce a contest? ("Hey! We're giving away more junk!") How about a tasteful outro to your daily "Calendar" feature? ("It's another day closer to being dead!")
Dan O'Day's L.A. AIR FORCE comes to the rescue with a 99-cut CD filled with original, mildly obnoxious jingles -- high quality, questionable taste. DORK-A-PELLAS also includes a few great, original PAMS jingles from the late 1950s. (Check out the demo for the the worst weather jingle we've ever heard!)
Plus a few group reactions, dramatic DANGER stabs, and half a dozen really nifty specialty music beds (crime report, sports, etc. -- NOT filler!). 99 cuts on one CD from L.A. Air Force, fully licensed for radio airplay. (One license = one station.)
Showing reviews 1-10 of 13 | Next
Posted by Gary Tayman
In my case, this isn't a radio station but I DJ for car cruises around the region. Jingles add a bit of professionalism to the music; THESE jingles are causing the cruisers to roll over with laughter! I'm getting lots of favorable comments from everyone!
Posted by William Steckler
I look forward to purchasing the second Dork-a-Pellas cd soon! Makes my auction crowd laugh like mad!
Posted by Liam Renton
Our recent purchase of Dork a Pellas was a great investment. We got some great production pieces, that adds great colour, and gives our station some real old school razzle dazzle, the way radio was, and should be.
Posted by Dave Mason
There are a lot of excellent cuts here. A special mention for the Jingle Singers Their harmonies are absolutely perfect. So as well as the comedy line you also get the melodic element. This means that you can use them over and over again - great tunes guys!
Posted by Christopher Rude
Got the jingles! They're great!
Posted by Kipper McGee
Posted by John Van Zante
I received the DORK-A-PELLAS yesterday afternoon and shared them with our production director first thing this morning. Great stuff!
Posted by Dr. Michael Lynn
Funny stuff! I'll be able to use a lot of the material. Looks like it'll be a good investment!
Posted by John Patrick
I got it last Thursday, and man, is it great!!! Lots of great useful drops.
Posted by Bobby McLain
My traffic guy especially likes his new intro jingle!
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