Imagine that your entire job — your entire radio station — depends on one ratings book.
No rolling averages, no trends.
You just show up one day and get the numbers, and whether or not you will have a job depends on how your station does.
That is the scenario every elected politician faces: They have to win each election.
They cannot simply tell their staff that "it was just a wobble" or "one bad demo killed us."
Believe it or not, politicians face more pressure than even radio program directors do.
They have to be Number One in every book!
As a result, the enormous industry that has grown up around getting people elected employs tactics and strat-\egies that are as intensive and powerful as any ever invented.
Larry Rosin, who has helped both radio stations and politicians win highly competitive races, will show you how to apply some of the most powerful of these techniques to radio.
Tap the “Play” Button for a Sample!
Among the things you will learn:
• Message Testing
• The Search for Wedge Issues
• Unique research methods employed by political pollsters
• Power of Incumbency
• Power of "grass roots" organizing
• Effective use of "negative campaigning"
• Influence of face-to-face encounters in campaigning
• Managing images and events to influence listening choices
A unique, thought-provoking, controversial presentation that will encourage you to re-evaluate your station's competitive effectiveness!
Larry Rosin is President of Edison Research, which
offers research and strategic information to radio and TV
stations, newspapers, and cable networks around the world.
The company also provides political research and conducts
exit polls for virtually all the major news organizations in
the U.S.
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