This Product Is a 2-Hour, 13-Minute mp3 Audio Seminar
plus PDF Study Guide,
which you can download immediately upon purchasing.
Personal recommendation from Dan O'Day:
I've known David H. Lawrence XVII for a long time. He's smart, he's successful, and he represents that rarest of combinations: a talented guy who brings to his career an entrepreneur's "I'll make my own destiny!" attitude.
After 30 years as a radio personality. David retired from hosting 3 different syndicated programs to concentrate solely on his acting careers.
On-camera, David's appeared on TV shows including Lost, CSI... and his break-out role as the villainous puppet master Eric Doyle on Heroes.
Behind the mic, he's voiced more than 2,000 radio and TV commercials and long has been the voice of America Online's customer service lines... well as the voice of over 1,500 other interactive voice response telephone systems
...making David Lawrence one of the most heard voices in the world.
Recently he turned his analytical eye toward voice over demos: what works; what works better; what hurts.
He uses these "tricks" himself, and when he can find the time he applies them when producing demos for other VO professionals.
How to determine your demo strategy |
Identifying the most important person in the demo process (Hint: It’s not you or your demo producer.) |
The biggest mistake you can make in preparing for your demo |
Why you should never choose your own demo copy |
How to find the perfect director and studio |
Why demo length is so important |
The one dumb decision that will kill your demo |
How your “dry voice” tracks will make or break your demo |
The sneakiest trick of all (!) |
Sneaky hacks with ProTools that David will share only for money! (Until now he’s kept them a closely guarded secret.) |
The critical missing pieces that most demo producers won’t even try |
How not just to stand there with a CD in your hand when you’re done! |
Making the voice buyer want you “like a fat boy wants Oreos!” (Umm...Those are David’s words....) |
11 ways to attract clients like flies to honey |
The one demo that if you don’t have, you’re leaving thousands of dollars on the table. (Since 1988, David has earned close to $2 million from a single client doing this type of voice over work.) |
How to break the pattern that the casting director hears on every other demo |
How not to sound like a manufactured demo |
The 3 biggest mistakes you can make in preparing for your demo |
Who really should be in charge of your demo production session |
Why you should not rehearse your copy before recording the demo |
What you should begin doing from the moment you are handed your demo copy |
Why your demo needs to showcase your diamond (and not your emeralds, rubies & sapphires) |
A special tip for radio (or former radio) people |
Your demo’s most important transition |
What the first cut of your demo must accomplish |
The dangers of the manufactured demo |
Why one demo size doesn't fit all |
The importance of building your demo portfolio |
If you're creating your first demo, this is the one it should be. |
Why your most profitable performances might not belong on your demo |
3 questions that beginners need to answer before they have their demos produced |
3 things that are more important to your success than your demo |
David H. Lawrence XVII has appeared on TV shows including Lost, CSI...and his break-out role as the villainous puppet master Eric Doyle on Heroes. Behind the mic, he's voiced more than 2,000 radio and TV commercials and long has been the voice of America Online's customer service lines as well as the voice of over 1,500 other interactive voice response telephone systems...making David Lawrence one of the most heard voices in the world..
Immediate delivery! When you submit your order, you’ll be able to download this 2-hour, 13-minute mp3 audio seminar + PDF Study Guide immediately.
Posted by John Kuehne
This seminar is absolutely something everyone that is planning to have a demo produced must listen to. The information is incredibly pertinent to today's environment where there are too many choices and too many ways to make a costly mistake. David Lawrence delivers some real "no BS" information and a great litmus test for a potential demo production house. The answers provided for the study guide are worth the cost alone.