Radio's Best-Selling (& Most Fun) Production Music & Effects Library - L.A. AIR FORCE’S incredible "personality production" package - on three fantastic-sounding CDs in digital stereo!
We don't have room to list the ENTIRE contents, but here's a PARTIAL listing of what you get:
"If you don't fall in love with Cheap Radio Thrills...then you just don't know what true love is!"
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Showing reviews 1-10 of 23 | Next
Posted by Jerry Halliday
No other music production library has such creative and downright fun tracks: often quite funny, sly, sophisticated and always ear-grabbing. Unique use of varied instruments evoke all kinds of instant atmosphere for every kind of need. I first heard L.A. Air Force doing voice-over work back in the day and bought your CD's for a retired broadcaster just for his listening enjoyment and his fond memories wearing out that first Air Force record for so many spots and commercials.
Posted by Kevin Johnston
Some of the cuts aren't to my liking, but that's a personal preference. If you sprinkle them in here and there, they really make a show sound much better.
The mere fact that these are still available is pretty cool as well.
Posted by Jim Stevens
I use this package all the time. There is so much to choose from, that I can find something for each show that fits in perfectly. Don't know how I managed without it!
Posted by rick ruhl
Survives the years, still funny, still usefull
Posted by Mike Wade
I found it to be a great resource for the kind of hard to find music and effects that can really give your production a personality and sense of humor. I'm glad it's in my library. Good stuff!
Posted by Pam Murray
I own it! I love it! I use it a lot!!!! But... I never loan it out! Get your own cpy you dead beats... This truly is a must have. Thanks Dan!!!!
Posted by Mike de Laurier
It adds to a touch of whimsy to any production....
Posted by Zane Sampson
I can't even start to begin on how much fun I've had with these three discs! I knew when I ordered them they would come in handy, but I had NO idea on how much I would be using them. If you don't have these in your collection of goodies you're missing out on so much fun, and not using a tool that will take you're show to the next level! I just can't stress enough on how great these 3 discs are!!!
Posted by Larry Ryan
I keep them handy for "just in case". i use them sparingly. You can prep all you want, but if something comes up when you need effects or an intro because it's just to good to pass up, "Cheap Radio Thrills".
Posted by Rick Stephenson
I've had Cheap Radio Thrills forever and still use today! Timeless. I bought the LP's when they were first available and followed up with the CD's. On air, production...very versatile and a must-have for any personality.
Showing reviews 1-10 of 23 | Next