SOLD OUT. Very sorry, but the last copy of the limited edition "STORY OF CHICKENMAN" collector's package has been sold.
But wait…
If you're a Dick Orkin fan, you can download this audio seminar in which he explains how he has come up with so many creative ideas for Chickenman, The Secret Adventures of the Tooth Fairy, and of course the thousands of brilliant Radio Ranch radio commercials.
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Posted by Dale Leichsenring
As one who listened to Chickenman in its virgin airing, syndicated to KSTT in Davenport, Iowa, during my high school years — THANK YOU for releasing this great package of all the episodes I heard back in the day!!! The background info from Dick and his engineer was super to fill in the blanks. I remember using my own two speed reel to reel to slow down one episode, and hear "Miss Hellfinger" simply reading some technical manual, which became spacemen's jargon at double speed. Thanks again to both you and Dick for providing a wonderful memory. The smiles land on my face, just like they used to. This fun has stood the test of time.
Posted by Ray Dennis
Having been a Top 40 jock and program director in the Chickenman Era, I had often wished that I had dubbed off that proverbial unauthorized copy. Now I have this wonderful set of CDs to bring back those happy memories while driving.
Posted by Mike Lozano
I remembered Chickenman from when I was in grade school and thought I would likely listen to the CDs once or twice a year. My eight-year-old daughter instantly fell in love with them and we have listened to them all at least 20 times.
Posted by Bob Koshinski
The Story of Chickenman was a great package to purchase. It captures a style and era of creative radio that doesn't exist anymore. I was a teenager in Niagara Falls, New York when I first listened to Chickenman on WKBW 1520 AM. Like so many, I originally thought Chickenman was created and originated from the 50,000 watt KB'. It was later when I got into broadcasting myself that I recognized Dick Orkin's distinctive voice and found out Chickenman was a syndicated series that ran all over the country. Listening to the many episodes brought me back and the interviews with and by Dick were a real treat. I highly recommend The Story Of Chickenman to anyone who enjoys radio's classic theatre of the mind productions and cherishes the ground breaking radio era of the 60's.
Posted by Bill Seidman
Enjoyed the heck out of The Story of Chickenman. I have had many requests from individuals such as myself who enjoyed the programs while in Viet Nam.
Posted by Forest Blanton
I recently received The Story of Chickenman. I looked forward in anticipation to its arrival, as I only dimly remembered the series from my teenage years. So far, I've only listened to the first four CD's, but I have been extremely pleased. Not only are the episodes as funny and bizarre as I remembered, but the strong environmental messages and themes presented in the stories bring me back to a fresher and more idealistic time. An unexpected bonus in The Story of Chickenman has been my nine year old son's enthusiastic adoption of the series and his insistence that we take it on long car trips.
Posted by Jim DeMarco
Years ago (back in the 70s when I was in high school), I was a big fan of the Tooth Fairy (and — later on — the Masked Minuteman as well). My best friend and I would eagerly await each and every episode, and spent much time discussing our favorite episodes and what might come next. I had first heard about the Chickenman radio series a few years later (when I was in college), but I had never been able to find it on any radio station where I lived. I bought The Story of Chickenman on blind faith (being familiar with Dick Orkin's other series and his numerous radio commercials — especially the old Budget Gourmet ads), and I have not been disappointed!
Posted by Tim Streeter
I can't tell you how delighted I was with The Story of Chickenman. I grew up out of the country in the Panama Canal Zone and used to listen to Chickenman on A.F.R.T.S., I remember my brother, sister, father, mother and I, rolling on the kitchen floor in peals of laughter ... FOR YEARS! When I found this collection through Ira's plug on This American Life it was the perfect no-brainer Christmas gift for my father (but really, my whole family; Dad was just the ringleader.) I was a little worried that it might not arrive in time for Christmas, because you had so many orders at once for that one item, but you came through with flying colors. Several other people that I have talked to who knew Chickenman growing up were so jealous when I told them. I have refused to "burn copies" for anyone, and referred all inquiries to your site. I was so thankful This American Life gave you the plug on their "Poultry Show" and lead me to you, and this wonderful addition to our family's entertainment library.
Posted by Wade Mickesh
I first heard the Chickenman episodes in my car each morning on the way to work, in Richardson, Texas. At work these days, when someone wants my attention and asks: "Wade?", I always say: "Yes, I am." Recently, a neighboring cubicle-dweller ask me why I always answer that way. I told him about the Chickenman episodes on radio in the 60's. He looked it up, on-line (right there, at work), and I couldn't resist ordering it. I took one sample CD to work and let him listen to it. So now he also knows where I got "that" way of saying "...Well!..." I think I caught all of the episodes from the beginning, but I don't remember going to London. Also, I didn't hear any of the weekend smokin' episodes — so I'm very happy with the complete collection.
Posted by Bill Wall
It is a great feeling to have all of the Chickenman episodes, including the promos and interviews. It brings back fond memories of my mid/late 1960's teen years when Super 'CFL 1000 was the king of Chicago Top 40 AM radio. My thanks to Dick for giving us (the Baby Boomers) a chance to relive some of the best years/times of our lives. The Story of Chickenman is very impressive and is very much a major part of Chicago/Top 40 AM radio history.
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