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Product Description

This product is a 2-hour, 20-minute mp3 audio seminar,
which you can download immediately upon purchasing.

Personal recommendation from Dan O’Day:
If you're interested in voicing audio books (aka "audiobooks"; either is correct), Barbara Rosenblat is the person you want advising you.

She's the undisputed Queen of Audiobooks.

One critic nailed it when she said, "Barbara is to audiobooks what Meryl Streep is to film."

These are some of the questions Barbara answers in detail. 

it realistic for a beginner to expect to break into audiobook work?

How do I get started?  

What percentage of producers/publishers hire a voice over talent who works from a personal studio vs. going to the producer’s or publisher’s recording studio? 

If you record an audio book at another studio, do they direct you?

For how long do you record per day — and do you do it sitting down or standing up? 

When narrating a book with many characters, is it necessary to develop distinct voices for each character, as Jim Dale did with the "Harry Potter" books, or is it sufficient to indicate a change in speakers within a scene by changes in pitch or inflection?

How do you keep track of multiple characters in the book, especially when you need to remember a character who reappears from Chapter One and you're now on Chapter 15?

How much acting should you put into portraying the characters (including the narrator) in an audiobook?

In doing a few books from my home studio, my biggest challenge has been maintaining consistency from one session to the next. How do you manage to sound as if you recorded the entire book in a single take?

What do you do to prevent vocal fatigue during long recording sessions?

I've been hearing that the proper way to interpret audiobooks is to refrain from inflection. Have you found that to be true?

What is the best length for an audiobook demo?

I’ve been told that audiobook demos should be without music. Correct?

To whom do I send my demo?

How do you quote for your time? Hourly? By chapter? Number of words?

How much money could I expect to make in the audiobook niche?

Is there a great need for voice talent for audiobooks that are not character-driven, such as self-help, other non-fiction, and audiobooks?

What is the best track to reaching a point of voicing the top books?

Are there smaller publishers who are more inclined to use unknowns/voice actors who are new to the field?

Is it 100% necessary to reside near the primary locations where audiobooks are recorded? That is, if you're not within driving distance of wherever the sessions are held, do you really stand a chance of being selected as talent? 

Who are the decision-makers (buyers) in this industry?

How do you connect with the decision makers for audio book narration?

Who should I contact in Europe in order to expand into recording English-language audiobooks?

Running Time: 2 Hours, 20 Minutes

Immediate delivery! When you submit your order, you’ll be able to download this valuable voice over audio seminar immediately.  

Barbara Rosenblat has voiced more than 500 audiobooks. Her extraordinary range and abilities have earned her eight Audie Awards from the Audio Publishers Association — accumulating more Audies than any other single narrator. In the words of one critic, “Barbara is to audiobooks what Meryl Streep is to film.”


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  1. THE AudioBook Primer - for the Beginner AND the PRO!

    Posted by Micheal Ziants

    Hello Dan, I can't thank you enough for this ultra-valuable information. While you used to be my go-to radio info guy, here in the 21st century, well... things change. Just two weeks ago, I was invited to audition for big-time author James Patterson's new New Orleans-set Thriller, "The Chef". I did... and Hachette AudioBooks, based in NYC/Paris gave me the gig! In searching for some help to nail the job, I found Barbara Rosenblat (one T) and her interview with YOU! Damn if you didn't ask the just-right questions at the just-right time. I found this phone chat most enlightening and helpful. Indeed. Thanks, Dan, for all your help. And keep doin' that voodoo that you do so well, brother! ~ Much Respect from NOLA, Micheal Ziants (the artist formerly known as Mike McCann & John Saint John

  2. Full of Valuable Information!

    Posted by Tanya Mills

    Barbara knows her way around a book and a mic and it shows. If you want to narrate audiobooks, this is a must listen. She covers everything but the technical aspects (since she always leaves that to sound engineers, preferring to focus on the performance). I particularly appreciated her suggestions on preparation.

  3. The most helpful thing I learned was...

    Posted by Carol Lem

    THE most helpful thing (among many) I learned from Barbara was: "Don't just stop at the end of a chapter; end on a 'moment' so you can resume in a new moment."

  4. I search out books/authors that I know Barbara Rosenblat has recorded

    Posted by Ruth Forese

    I troll the local library weekly because I MUST have an audio book "going" in my car at all times: I search out books/authors that I know Barbara Rosenblat has recorded.


    I know that I am in for a premier "listen." And when I find a new one (A Barbara Surprise) I walk out feeling as though I've hit a lottery ... or the trifecta. If you've not heard this multi-talented audio artist yet, you're in for fun and pure JOY!

  5. Answered many questions I had

    Posted by R. D. Miller

    Answered many questions I had had (and others I hadn’t had!), and I now feel much more confident that audiobooks are a branch of this great VO business which I should try.

  6. truly inspiring

    Posted by Lucinda Gainey

    It was truly inspiring to listen Ms. Rosenblat share her knowledge on the art and craft of narrating audiobooks.

  7. full of gems that any aspiring voice talent would be lucky to learn

    Posted by Elizabeth Holmes

    Barbara Rosenblat was classy, funny, and helpful. The session was full of gems that any aspiring voice talent would be lucky to learn.

    I’ve listened to over 1,000 audiobooks, (many by Barbara Rosenblat), and she truly IS one of the world’s finest narrators. Barbara is consistently entertaining, her respect for her audience comes through every performance, and she really does (her words) “support the author in telling great stories.”

    It was a privilege to listen! Thank you so much.

  8. You brought me back to life again!

    Posted by Kerri Parr

    Thank you so much for sharing such great information. I’ve been in a voice over lull for quite some time, but now I’m so excited about putting everything I’ve learned into practice. You brought me back to life again!

  9. Learned a lot from one of the best!

    Posted by Efia Miles

    This was GREAT! Learned a lot from one of the best!

  10. Wonderful information!!!

    Posted by Debbie McConnell

    Wonderful information!!! Now the next challenge – work on getting a demo made!! Thanks so much!!!

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