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“This is your one chance to be mentored by the smartest guy in radio.”
 — Dan O’Day

A Message for Radio Program Directors from Dan O’Day  

I’ve said it before:

Randy Michaels quite possibly is the smartest guy in radio.

His successes as a program director are legendary.

He’s absolutely brilliant at the essential fundamentals of programming a winning radio station. 

What If You Could...?

Imagine what it would be like to have Randy Michaels as your personal mentor.

What if you could get Randy to sit with you for an hour or two and give you a crash course in the essentials of programming a successful music station?

Remember those TV infomercials where the announcer demands, “NOW what would you pay??”

If when I was a PD I’d had the chance to have Randy spend just one hour to teach me about radio programming, I gladly would have paid a thousand dollars for the privilege.

The Bad News: I don’t believe Randy is hiring himself out for one-on-one consultations.

The Good News: You still can learn Randy’s secrets — for a lot less than a thousand bucks.

Who Will Profit From This Book?

Anyone who programs a music radio station.

Actually, I believe every program director in every format should have this book.

But 37% of this book is devoted to Music Rotation. So if you program a Talk station, 37% of this book won’t do you much good. 

Not For Students or Beginners.

This book is for people who already program radio stations and already have experience programming music.

So if you’re looking for a beginner’s guide to “How To Build A Music Clock,” this book is not for you.

This book assumes you’re already familiar with the most common methods of programming music... 

...which means you’ve been exposed to a lot of “conventional wisdom” about music rotation that — Well, much of it isn’t very wise.

Randy will share some extremely sophisticated, ratings-enhancing music scheduling techniques. 

Sophisticated, but not difficult. You don’t need a degree in statistics to understand and apply Randy’s methods.

Overview of Chapters 

•  Radio Without “The Vision”

•  A Simple Business

•  Radio’s Secret Gold Mine

•  Your Most Important Asset

•  Programming

•  Art vs. Science

•  The Leader’s Job

•  Music Rotation

•  Utility vs. Emotional Connection

•  Station Imaging

•  Promotions

•  “Not Enough Budget”

•  Eight Truisms For Program Directors

•  Competitive Research

•  “Unselling” Our Own Messages 

Let Your Mentoring Begin.

•  Radio: A Simple Business 

•  Radio’s Secret Gold Mine

•  Your Station’s Most Important Asset. (No, it’s not some squishy-soft concept like, “Your people.” It’s the very first thing Randy looks at when considering acquiring a new station.) 

•  The one aspect of the radio station most PDs need to learn a lot more about 

•  The reconnaissance you should do on your very first day in a new market. (But because you probably never did it in your own market, you should do this for your own station tomorrow.) 

•  Scientific Research vs. Golden Ears 

•  The “chaotic science” of radio programming 

•  The artful use of science 

•  How radio is underexploiting its opportunities 

•  The #1 function of a PD. (Most PDs don’t even have a clue....) 

•  The one thing you must give your air staff if they’re to succeed 

•  Your job as a Relationship Manager  

•  Music rotation: How & why most stations do it poorly  

•  The common disconnect between what a station’s listener research shows and what the station actually plays 

•  The life cycle of every record 

•  Why you can’t afford to listen to record companies (!) 

•  How misusing trade publication charts can hurt your ratings 

•  What percentage of your playlist should be “power” songs. (You’ll be surprised.) 

•  The key to picking your music research sample 

•  The mistake of over-catering to your core audience 

•  Researching beyond your core audience 

•  The one thing your music clock must do 

•  The single most common mistake stations make in programming their music 

•  Analyzing and designing your Clock Technology 

•  The smart way to introduce a new song to your playlist 

•  How under-analyzed use of Recurrents can hurt you 

•  How long you can keep a hot record in current rotation. (The answer will shock you.) 

•  The one thing a world-class PD should never do in relation to music programming 

•  Programming your music clock to fit your market’s competitive matrix. (Very few PDs have ever even thought of doing this. But its power will be obvious as soon as Randy points it out to you.) 

•  The fallacy upon which most music clocks are based 

•  Why you’re probably playing your commercials at the wrong time 

•  Utilizing the power of music flow 

•  How to use “type coding” 

•  How to avoid being just “a utility” station 

•  Principles of Station Imaging 

•  Choosing your station’s name 

•  Including your “digital address” in your station name 

•  The “Too Many Positioners” Trap 

•  Station Promotions: They must accomplish one of these three things. 

•  How to “save the buy” on a sales promotion without ruining your programming. (Hint: Randy will give you a wonderfully effective two-word formula.) 

•  The key to successful promotion without a large budget 

•  Eight rules to live your professional life by 

•  Why Competitive Research is important to your station 

•  How stations write “liners” that attempt to sell a message — but then play them in a way that unsells it 


Don’t order this book if you’re looking for a dense, “ivory tower” textbook. 

FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIO PROGRAMMING contains no fluff, no filler.

It’s 55 pages long.

Fifty-five pages of Randy Michaels coaching you, helping you do your best as a PD — at your fingertips whenever you need it. 

Any savvy music programmer will immediately recognize Randy’s advice about “B” songs alone as being worth a hundred times the price of this book.

But if you judge a book by the number of its pages rather than by the value of its information, do not download it. 

Immediate delivery! When you submit your order, you’ll be able to download this valuable book immediately.  

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